Small Steps

By Linda Bembridge | May 17, 2024

Hi Everyone, We have finally made it to Summer here in the South of England. It almost arrived overnight!  Dull, wet and dingy for weeks and then someone flicked a switch and, hey presto, out came the sun!! It’s been so lovely to sit in the garden amidst the chaos of my home and pretend […]

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My Housing Project

By Linda Bembridge | Apr 13, 2024

Hi Everyone, Finally, we have some warm weather here in the South of England. I even sat out in the garden and had some lunch today… yippee!!! We are finally getting there… My building project is fully underway now. The little woof and I have slipped into a completely new routine as we live in […]

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Swing the Pendulum

By Linda Bembridge | Mar 13, 2024

Hi Everyone, Goodness, it’s been ages since I last sent anything out into the ether. So much for being consistent! I hope everyone is well. It’s supposed to be Spring here in the UK, but apart from the occasional Daffodil you wouldn’t notice, nothing but cold and wet… miserable! It’s been such a long time […]

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The Dolphin

By Linda Bembridge | Aug 18, 2023

Hi Everyone, I hope we are all safe and well in this mad, glorious world. Finally, we have some warmth and sunshine here in the South of England. Yippee!!!  I hope it’s sunny where you are. Crazy busy here as ever. The ‘to-do’ list seems to be endless with precious little time carved out for […]

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Northampton Extraordinaire

By Linda Bembridge | Jul 9, 2023

Hi Everyone, Here we are again. Time is flying past as usual. So much has happened since my last blog, all good too. Before I launch into anything creative I have simply been enjoying these fabulous summer months. The early mornings have been magical but despite our typical 5:30am start (fewer rabbits and squirrels for […]

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Monsters and Magic

By Linda Bembridge | May 15, 2023

Hi Everyone, Spring has finally sprung here in Buckinghamshire. While it’s still been quite cold we have had some lovely sunny, bright days so hopefully we are there now and winter is finally behind us. Hurrah!! Lots going on here… A few weeks ago I launched my Course with 2 sets of dates. To my […]

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Sakura Joy

By Linda Bembridge | Apr 13, 2023

Hi Everyone, I hadn’t realised how long it was since tapping out my last blog. My goal was always to have something to write monthly but I guess that’s another resolution which has fallen by the wayside; must try harder… It’s so lovely here in the UK at the moment, with distinct signs that winter […]

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Simplify The Knights

By Linda Bembridge | Jan 23, 2023

Hi Everyone, Happy January!!  Like so many people here in the Northern Hemisphere I find January a tricky month. We are nearly at the end though and the days are significantly longer already. My garden is alive with the green shoots of Spring and it won’t be long before I have some colour in the […]

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The Bamboo Cutter

By Linda Bembridge | Dec 27, 2022

Hi Everyone, Here we are in the no-man’s land between Christmas and New Year otherwise known as ‘Betwixtmas’. I’ve lost track of what day of the week it is and any sort of routine has flown out of the window! I hope you’ve had a lovely couple of days and are psyching yourself up to […]

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