Swing the Pendulum
Hi Everyone,
Goodness, it's been ages since I last sent anything out into the ether. So much for being consistent! I hope everyone is well. It's supposed to be Spring here in the UK, but apart from the occasional Daffodil you wouldn't notice, nothing but cold and wet... miserable!
It's been such a long time since my last post. Most of that time has been a photographic wasteground for many reasons, all good but still energy-sapping and time-consuming. I can now carve out some creative space again and try and pick up where I left off (wherever that was...)
February here is such a grim month. Winter is long, Spring is still too far away to lift the spirits, so I took myself off to India again for a few weeks. Mooching around Rajastan with my photo-mates was the perfect way to move forward from my other activities and swing the pendulum back where it should be. I love India. It's chaotic, noisy, dirty, colourful, with great food, cows everywhere, camels wandering around... love, love, love it... can't wait to get back there.
Getting away for a few weeks will help power me through this coming year, looking to be a bit of a roller-coaster. Little Sparkle and I are living in my bedroom while my builders transform my home into what will be a very different space. Sparkle is having a lovely time, lots of strangers in the house bringing interesting things to eat for their lunch - easy to forget how devious and fast a Whippet can be if you have your back turned (and sandwiches unattended...)!
My photography will be the counter-balance while I focus on the bigger picture. It will be a necessary outlet during this very, very exciting time for me.
Some early edits...
Images produced so quickly after a trip always make me nervous. My judgement is clouded by my memory of the place and my intention when I clicked the shutter. As time passes, memories fade and I can be more objective. Producing new work is exciting, and I thought, 'why not', time will tell. These images are very early edits from my trip. A project has yet to form in my mind, but it's good to play again. If it's not fun then, what's the point.
Save the Date (if you can...)
If you are based in the UK and are anywhere near Thames Valley, you might be interested in a talk I am giving to the RPS Thames Valley Group. We have agreed a date of Sunday 19th of May. It will be 'In Person' rather than over zoom. It's so exciting, it's been years since I presented to a real audience.
I will be giving both of my lectures, 'Abstract with a bit of Landscape' in the morning, 'Make Believe' in the afternoon. I will have plenty of prints with me, including some 3D embellished prints on Acetate. If you think you might be able to attend, please save the date, it would be lovely to meet you. I will send the link once tickets go on sale. Please come along if you can.

And Finally...
It feels so good to have something to say again, however short and sweet. If you have been with me for a while, you will know that, every year, I have a word which guides me. 'Simplify' was a good word for me during 2023. I will carry this word forward as it's really a 'super-word', shaping the rest of my life if I listen.
My word for 2024 is 'Reframe'. Given the nature of the months ahead I must reframe anything that happens and find a positive spin, however slight. Everything really does happen for a reason. I mustn't get hung up on minutiae, and anything can be viewed through a different lens, if I choose to do so. I have a feeling this might be a 'super-word' too...
If you have reached this far, thank you.
L xxx
Quick Links to Previous Blogs...
The Dolphin
Hi Everyone, I hope we are all safe and well in this mad, glorious world. Finally, we have some warmth and sunshine here in the South of England. Yippee!!! I hope it’s sunny where you are. Crazy busy here as ever. The ‘to-do’ list seems to be endless with precious little time carved out for […]
Northampton Extraordinaire
Hi Everyone, Here we are again. Time is flying past as usual. So much has happened since my last blog, all good too. Before I launch into anything creative I have simply been enjoying these fabulous summer months. The early mornings have been magical but despite our typical 5:30am start (fewer rabbits and squirrels for […]
Monsters and Magic
Hi Everyone, Spring has finally sprung here in Buckinghamshire. While it’s still been quite cold we have had some lovely sunny, bright days so hopefully we are there now and winter is finally behind us. Hurrah!! Lots going on here… A few weeks ago I launched my Course with 2 sets of dates. To my […]
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Hi Linda. Glad to hear that you’re “back in the saddle again” and ready to go. Nothing like a change of scenery to get the juices flowing again. I’ll be in England in May, but have to come back home before the 19th. Looking forward to seeing your new work.
Hi Jim,
Thank you so much for leaving a comment… it really is so good to be doing something creative again – I think the break will have been good in the long run but it was a bit tricky while in the midst of it all.
Sorry to hear you won’t be around for the talk but hopefully there will be others which may work in the future.
Thank you again and take care
Linda xx