Category: Uncategorized

Small Steps

Small Steps

Hi Everyone, We have finally made it to Summer here in the South of England. It almost arrived overnight!  Dull, wet and dingy for weeks and then someone flicked a switch and, hey presto, out came the sun!! It’s been so lovely to sit in the garden amidst the chaos of my home and pretend […]

The Dolphin

The Dolphin

Hi Everyone, I hope we are all safe and well in this mad, glorious world. Finally, we have some warmth and sunshine here in the South of England. Yippee!!!  I hope it’s sunny where you are. Crazy busy here as ever. The ‘to-do’ list seems to be endless with precious little time carved out for […]

Sakura Joy

Sakura Joy

Hi Everyone, I hadn’t realised how long it was since tapping out my last blog. My goal was always to have something to write monthly but I guess that’s another resolution which has fallen by the wayside; must try harder… It’s so lovely here in the UK at the moment, with distinct signs that winter […]


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