Small Steps
Hi Everyone,
We have finally made it to Summer here in the South of England. It almost arrived overnight! Dull, wet and dingy for weeks and then someone flicked a switch and, hey presto, out came the sun!!
It's been so lovely to sit in the garden amidst the chaos of my home and pretend that nothing is happening around me (it helps if I close my eyes though...)
My lovely band of builders are making very good progress and, so far, we are on schedule, on budget, and I haven't quite lost my mind yet. It is amazing what you get used to..
Time for photography is very limited which has been tricky. Working on a project for only a few minutes here and there doesn't work for me, it takes time to remember where the threads are and carry on. I need to accept that for now.
I do however have the germ of an idea which is very exciting indeed.
A few years ago I was lucky enough to visit the Loirre Valley. In one of the beautiful Chateau, there was a room with a 'library' of books on the walls. On closer inspection, this library was a beautiful, detailed artwork in charcoal and watercolour. I spent lots of time photographing these books but have never found a way to use them in my work.
A few evenings ago I had a couple of hours to myself to play on my iPad. I stumbled across these library images and started messing around with them. A library probably has as many metaphors as a window and, after a while, I started to combine these books with some images of windows from India. I had a lovely couple of hours messing around.
Being aware of my limitations, I need words to inspire me to move any project even close to the finish line. I started to think about my library as being 'secret', maybe it's my refuge from the chaos around me.
The Secret Library
Very quickly I came across the story of the Secret Library of Daraya, a fascinating, and true, story. I now have a narrative for my project.
In summary, when the Assad regime in Syria targeted the city of Daraya for its acts of resistance, the buildings they bombed held many books. Locals rescued the books from the rubble and made a secret underground library.
I am completely inspired to find out more about this incredible undertaking and have found a book called "The Book Collectors of Daraya" by Delphine Minoui which is winging its way to me as I write. I am certain it will be fascinating.
Most importantly, it gives me a structure for my project which is very exciting. It will take longer than my previous projects due to the nature of 'now' but that's ok.
Thames Valley RPS - Sunday 26th May
Just over a week to go now until my visit to the Thames Valley branch of the Royal Photographic Society.
I have started sorting prints to take with me which has been lovely. They have all been packed away in the loft, out of harm's way, so it's been great to bring them down and look at them again.
Tickets need to be purchased in advance so please follow this link to their website. Note that as this event is face-to-face it will not be recorded.

And finally...
As always, thank you for getting this far. I keep reminding myself that all of my decisions for my home will be ticking my 'creative' box but it doesn't always feel like that. It's lovely to have found a project which I can run with even if it is slow progress.
Please let me know what you think, I will always reply. Also, let me know if you are coming along to the talk at Thames Valley, it would be so lovely to meet some of you in person.
Thank you and take care
L xx
Quick links to Previous Blogs...
My Housing Project
Hi Everyone, Finally, we have some warm weather here in the South of England. I even sat out in the garden and had some lunch today… yippee!!! We are finally getting there… My building project is fully underway now. The little woof and I have slipped into a completely new routine as we live in […]
Swing the Pendulum
Hi Everyone, Goodness, it’s been ages since I last sent anything out into the ether. So much for being consistent! I hope everyone is well. It’s supposed to be Spring here in the UK, but apart from the occasional Daffodil you wouldn’t notice, nothing but cold and wet… miserable! It’s been such a long time […]
The Dolphin
Hi Everyone, I hope we are all safe and well in this mad, glorious world. Finally, we have some warmth and sunshine here in the South of England. Yippee!!! I hope it’s sunny where you are. Crazy busy here as ever. The ‘to-do’ list seems to be endless with precious little time carved out for […]