
By Linda Bembridge | Jan 17, 2022

Hi Everyone, Even though we are getting close to the end of January now (hurrah!!) I am sure it’s not too late to wish everyone a Happy New Year!  I always find the holiday season tricky to navigate but overall we had fun and certainly made the best of things. We look forward now into […]

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So, how was it for you?

By Linda Bembridge | Dec 23, 2021

Hi Everyone, Just a few days to go to the holidays. It’s hard to know what to make of it all this year. This time last year we knew for certain that the world was on fire. It may be again, or it might not be, so very difficult to know. All we can do […]

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Finding My Organic

By Linda Bembridge | Nov 20, 2021

Hi Everyone, I hope we are all safe and well. Winter is well and truly underway here, most of the trees have shed their leaves and our walks take us through carpets of red, orange and yellow. It’s tempting to kick swathes of colour into the air and enjoy watching those vibrant shapes spiral back […]

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Keeping The Faith

By Linda Bembridge | Oct 27, 2021

Hi Everyone, I hope we are all staying safe and well. Autumn is well underway here in the South of England although there is very little colour in the trees still, let’s hope when the colour does arrive it’s spectacular even if short-lived. Lots going on here to keep me busy as the nights draw […]

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Healing Reservoir

By Linda Bembridge | Sep 29, 2021

Hi Everyone, I am convinced I have nothing to write about when the time comes. I could always do more but I have found time to do something, maybe I should stop agonising. As long as I enjoy what I do get done that’s the big box ticked. Summer is definitely receding fast here in […]

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By Linda Bembridge | Aug 23, 2021

Yet again, the days / weeks are spinning by… there are definite signs that we are nearing the end of summer, morning walks with my little Sparkle take us past bushes laden with ripe blackberries so we slow down to enjoy an early pre-breakfast most days; simple pleasures… Such a busy time here since I […]

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The Drug of Creativity

By Linda Bembridge | Jul 9, 2021

Hi Everyone, Well yet again, it feels like an eternity since I last sat down at the computer to write a few words. My life has been turned upside down by my 4-legged friend. I honestly had no idea what to expect when this lively little puppy entered my home and it really has been […]

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The Echo Chamber

By Linda Bembridge | Jun 7, 2021

Hi Everyone, It feels like an eternity since the last blog but it’s not too long, so much has happened!  We finally have some decent weather here in the Chiltern Hills so it’s been nice to spend time outside without being freezing cold. A couple of days ago it was actually just a little too […]

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Prisoners Of Our Psychology

By Linda Bembridge | May 11, 2021

Hi Everyone… Where have the last few weeks gone?  I know some of it at least has been spent creating new embellished prints as well as playing with my scanner. Pulling together words for the ‘Unlock My Mind‘ series opened up so many different avenues so I’ve continued to explore some of these concepts in a […]

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