Hi Everyone,
Even though we are getting close to the end of January now (hurrah!!) I am sure it's not too late to wish everyone a Happy New Year! I always find the holiday season tricky to navigate but overall we had fun and certainly made the best of things. We look forward now into the new year with a clean slate, the days are getting longer and it feels like the nightmare world we have been living in for the last couple of years might finally be passing... fingers crossed...
I am not a lover of winter, I find the short cold days incredibly difficult, always have and probably always will. Being an early riser I have been up and out to walk my little Sparkle before the sun comes up. We have been rewarded with some incredible sunrises which have stopped us in our tracks, intense pinks, reds and purples, it's a priviledge to bear witness. There are definitely worse ways to start the day, finding the positive...
Playing Again...
During the holidays I spent time thinking about my photographic journey, what I loved, what I didn't particularly enjoy, where I spent my time. Printing has been the focus of late, something I absolutely love and can lose myself in happily for hours (days!). I wondered if I had spent maybe too much time printing and not enough on making new images either by getting out with the camera or working the archives.
Some small bodies of work have emerged recently but all have been created in between printing sessions. Time for some focus on image making... the metaphorical printing button was 'paused' and I have allowed myself to focus on creating a nice big new body of work. I've had such a lovely time...

Ancient Philosophy of the Stoics

I am in the middle of a short introductory course on the principles of Stoic Philosophy, a fascinating series of principles handed down through the ages which still have incredible relevance for today. My interest was originally peaked when I heard a discussion on the topic on the fantastic RichRoll Podcast (ep 168, 239, 470, 636). I always have podcasts on the background when I work but rarely pay much attention, this had me turning up the volume. In summary, this ancient philosophy promotes a very simple, but not easy, way of living: Take the obstacles in your life and turn them to your advantage, control what you can and accept what you can't.
One of the exercises was to think of a word which will accompany you through the coming year, essentially a tone or undercurrent to the way you intend to live. In chosing the word it was important to think of the destination and to view the word as a kind of polestar; it should be both the port of call and the wind at your back helping you get there; it should push and pull at the same time.
I have chosen the word 'Believe'.
This series of images has been created as a result of my giving myself time to play with no pressure or distractions. They will also act as a reminder to me to believe in myself. As creatives we are often riddled with self-doubt and sometimes struggle to feel confident, I know I do. As I look forward I will have my word keeping me company - it is everywhere I look just now, post-it's on my screen, index cards on my dressing table and in my kitchen. There is no escaping it. Quite exciting to be honest...
All have been created from a single file again with an additional sampling of some curves. I have intentionally included the curves similarly in each image to bring the panel together and create commonality.
I have absolutely loved creating these images, to me they feel joyful and free. This time last year my work was all about restriction and feeling locked in, that was how we were living. Not so today...
Please let me know your thoughts, I will always reply although it might take me a while... I wish you all the very best for the coming year. Maybe you would like to have a word to underpin the year, if so please let me know what you choose and why.
Take care
L xx
Quick Links to Previous Blogs
So, how was it for you?
Hi Everyone, Just a few days to go to the holidays. It’s hard to know what to make of it all this year. This time last year we knew for certain that the world was on fire. It may be again, or it might not be, so very difficult to know. All we can do […]
Finding My Organic
Hi Everyone, I hope we are all safe and well. Winter is well and truly underway here, most of the trees have shed their leaves and our walks take us through carpets of red, orange and yellow. It’s tempting to kick swathes of colour into the air and enjoy watching those vibrant shapes spiral back […]
Keeping The Faith
Hi Everyone, I hope we are all staying safe and well. Autumn is well underway here in the South of England although there is very little colour in the trees still, let’s hope when the colour does arrive it’s spectacular even if short-lived. Lots going on here to keep me busy as the nights draw […]
Comments are closed.
Hi Linda I really enjoy reading your blogs and the things that inspire your images. This latest set is amazing, the colours, the shapes and the sense of mystery. I’ve always been fascinated by abstract art, and you’ve inspired me to dabble more into the world of abstract photography. There seem to be an infinite number of possibilities and techniques, but as I learn more about editing I love the ‘playing’ aspect. I also love the idea of a polestar word to see me through my photographic year. But I’ll have to think about that one a bit more!
Hi Ron,
I am so pleased you have taken the time to comment – it’s really appreciated. Thank you so much for your kind words about this set of images, I am quite excited about them myself and am currently thinking abut possible ways to print some of them. I think abstract art is so personal, what works for one person most often doesn’t work for others but that’s what makes it all so much fun too – you really can do what you want and play to your hearts’ content, what’s the point otherwise…
I would love to hear your word if you come up with one, took me a few days but I am pleased with ‘believe’… I am certainly excited to have it along side me for the journey.
Take care and thank you again
L xx
An interesting experiment and well worth while. The curves really do link the images effectively, despite the varied palettes.
It’s also a more cheering set of images for a grey January than its Stoic origin might suggest!
One of my ‘January Challenge task options today involved “bringing in joy” – I think these have done that for me, thank you.
Hi Ruth,
Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it’s really appreciated. I was determined that this set of images would be colourful, bright and cheerful. At this time of the year, it definitely what we could all do with. I am pleased that they have helped you tick your January box.
Take care and thank you again
L xx
What a really beautiful panel. I find it absolutely joyous – I guess it is the colour combinations and the seductive nature of the curves. You say you were using a single image as a starting point: presumably each image started with a different single image? Well done on such a glorious creation.
Hi Linda,
How lovely to hear from you… I am pleased you like the images, they were definitely fun to work on during these short winter days. In terms of the originating files for the images, they have actually all been generated from one single raw file rather than a different one for each image. It’s something I like to challenge myself to do quite often, it was one of the homework assignments from the original BC course which I have continued to do. The challenge of creating a panel using just one file I find helps me to create a more coherent body of work as there will be repeating elements across the images. It puts boundaries around the project and forces me to be more creative given that I don’t change the file that I am working on. I didn’t;t include the raw file in the blog as I thought it would be a distraction, maybe I should have.
Anyway, glad you like the results…
Thank you again
L xx
Hi Linda
I love the bright colours in your latest images. They have a bold and optimistic feel. Keep believing!
You sound to be energised and motivated. It must be those early morning or should I say still night time walks. I’ve seen some pretty sky colours but from the bedroom window!!
I have started the year trying to free myself up to be more playful with image processing to develop the type of images I really want to create. As you mention though self doubt is always there and it is easy to talk oneself out of an idea.
Catch up with you and Sparkle soon?
Zara x
Hi Zara,
How lovely to hear from you. I am so pleased you enjoyed the blog. I am so pleased I gave myself time to work on them at this time of year, we all need some joy in January! And yes, play is critical – it all takes time though both in terms of carving out that time in the first place and then sticking at it. I have made the mistake in the past of trying to fit in image making around other things and my images have been poor as a result. This has been a lesson for me too in that dedicating time gives better results.
And yes, will ping you separately about meeting up – would be good to get out and about again…
Take care
L xx
Dear Linda,
What a beautiful and inspiring set of images.
They leap off the page with energy and joy, a brilliant relief from the grey of January and a wonderful testament to being grateful for even the smallest of kindnesses.
Thank you for sharing these stunning pieces of art.
Hi Karen,
How absolutely lovely of you to take the time to leave such a beautiful comment. I am so pleased you like the images and yes we really do need some joy and colour at this time of the year, it’s so cold and dreary. Days are getting longer now so we are getting there. So very much looking forward to catching up with you again very soon – will be in touch…
So much love
L xx