Finding My Organic

Hi Everyone,

I hope we are all safe and well. Winter is well and truly underway here, most of the trees have shed their leaves and our walks take us through carpets of red, orange and yellow. It's tempting to kick swathes of colour into the air and enjoy watching those vibrant shapes spiral back down to earth, too tempting sometimes...

The 'coat-wars' with my little Sparkle have switched into reverse, she now won't leave the house without her coat on even if it's quite mild... I really do wish I had a better idea what's going on inside that pretty little head of hers... not much I fear! Bless her...

Anyway, a busy month again, the last few weeks have flown by and I feel as if I've been busier than ever. I have been lucky enough to visit The Lake District again, this time for a BaileyChinnery workshop co-led by Joe Cornish and David Ward.  While it was lovely to return to such a beautiful part of the country, this second trip meant returning to almost exactly the same spot. It was good to see how things had changed in such a short space of time but I am aware that I have explored such a tiny part of this beautiful part of the country. Still, the pandemic was to blame for the trips being so close together, that's my 'get-out' clause.

Magic Spell

Being partly classroom based we were asked to give a quick indication as to what we hoped to get from the trip. My response was that I find it very difficult to 'see' images in the natural landscape, I seek out straight lines and right angles. Learning to embrace the organic in nature became my personal challenge and I hope I rose to meet it.

Echo Chamber Revisited

Looking back through the work I was doing earlier in the year I was reminded of my thoughts when I was working on Echo Chamber. My energy centred around being stuck in a space, toxic when outside influences are limited. I focused on bubbles within bubbles and thought about a series of work representing breaking out of those toxic loops.

These thoughts have bothered me for a few months now but I couldn't see a way to convey 'breaking free'. I had one of those light-bulb moments on this last trip... my new series of work, 'Effervescence', is the result.

Noun: The quality of being excited, enthusiastic and full of energy.

Autumn Angels

I became a bit obsessed with puddles... muddy ones full of leaves and other rubbish as well as pools of water amongst grasses and reeds. Messing about with camera settings and the position of the light allowed me to make some beautiful abstracts which underpin this body of work.

My goal was for the images to be joyful and full of colour; nothing should feel trapped.  In researching some words I became conscious of our grown-up hesitancy when faced with a particularly tempting puddle. A child would probably just jump straight in, laughing at the beautiful splash. Us adults face the eternal struggle of letting go and holding on... we do the sensible thing... mostly...


I dream of running fast, wild and free.

Fresh air

Aroma of broken leaves

Outrun the wind... never let it catch you

Fly like a kite... be free

And now for some Prints

Back to the real work... I have been getting on with making some prints which has been huge fun. I decided to focus on one particular series so that I produced the work with the same style and energy. The Shadow Glows seemed like a good place to start as I already had some ideas as to how I wanted to present the work. These are the 6 more subtle images from that series. I haven't worked out how I want to present the more vibrant images yet but that will come.

It's taken me ages to work out a way to photograph the prints but hopefully they are clear enough for you to be able to see them. Despite appearances all mounts are Polar White

Each archival print is 30cm square mounted to 50cm square. All are multi-layered Acetate prints embellished with White or Gold Leaf and hundreds of tiny, tiny beads. The multi-layering introduces a 3D element to the prints which is difficult to convey by way of a 2D image.

Each is one of a Variable Edition of 5 so the main multi-layered print will be identical within the series but the method and style of the embellishments will be unique to each print.

I am super-pleased with each of them and am really looking forward to seeing how they will look framed once we get to that point. I will be updating my 'Peach' page with details of pricing and availablity in the next few weeks so please take a look if you would like more information.

That's it...

Thank you, as ever, for getting this far...

I was asked recently why I bothered to do a blog and whether it was worth the time and effort. Until that point I hadn't given it much conscious thought but I was honestly able to answer that it's one of the best things I do each month. Particularly enjoyable is the opportunity to have regular dialogues with so many of you either through the comments or email separately. For that I am truly grateful.

Take care and stay safe in this mad world.

L  xx

Quick Links to Previous Blogs...

Keeping The Faith

By Linda Bembridge | October 27, 2021

Hi Everyone, I hope we are all staying safe and well. Autumn is well underway here in the South of England although there is very little colour in the trees still, let’s hope when the colour does arrive it’s spectacular even if short-lived. Lots going on here to keep me busy as the nights draw […]

Healing Reservoir

By Linda Bembridge | September 29, 2021

Hi Everyone, I am convinced I have nothing to write about when the time comes. I could always do more but I have found time to do something, maybe I should stop agonising. As long as I enjoy what I do get done that’s the big box ticked. Summer is definitely receding fast here in […]


By Linda Bembridge | August 23, 2021

Yet again, the days / weeks are spinning by… there are definite signs that we are nearing the end of summer, morning walks with my little Sparkle take us past bushes laden with ripe blackberries so we slow down to enjoy an early pre-breakfast most days; simple pleasures… Such a busy time here since I […]


  • ‘Effervescence’ was just what I needed on a chilly November night, thank you!

    • Hi Ruth,
      So pleased to have been able to add a little bit of light in amongst the November gloom…

      L xx

  • Always interesting to read your thoughts, Linda. Your work is so considered. I love the fact that you have embraced the soft curves of the landscape and left behind the straight lines for a while. That was your objective and you have certainly succeeded.
    The acetate images have photographed beautifully – obviously nothing can take the place of seeing them in person (and they are stunning). I wish you every success with them.

    • Thank you so much Valda… saying out loud that I needed straight lines and right angles focused the mind somewhat, definitely time to soften the edges in every direction. I loved working on these images so fingers crossed I can carry on in this vein for a while at least.
      And thank you so much for your comments on my prints. I am so pleased with them and very excited to see how things move forward with them…
      Take care and very much looking forward to catching up with you again soon…
      L xx

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