Hi Everyone,
I am convinced I have nothing to write about when the time comes. I could always do more but I have found time to do something, maybe I should stop agonising. As long as I enjoy what I do get done that's the big box ticked.
Summer is definitely receding fast here in the South of England. My walks with my little dog now start with a battle of wits, I think she should be wearing her lovely new coat regardless of the weather, she disagrees! So far I am marginally ahead in the coat-wars... Oh how my life has changed...!
As the days get shorter and significantly more gloomy I have decided to cheer myself up by brightening up my outside space. Around a year ago I had one of my images printed onto high definition, all weather metal. It's been hanging on a wall in my small courtyard garden and has withstood a number of storms, snow, freezing winter nights and unseasonably hot summer days with no signs of wear and tear. This has given me the confidence to go ahead and have some more printed - they arrived just this morning and I am super-excited, I think they will be perfect.

After unpacking them I arranged them as best I could and took a phone-photo. There is a bit of glare but hopefully you can see them clearly enough. I chose a range of sizes, the biggest being 80cm square and plan to collage them around my outdoor space. Quite looking forward to getting the drill out too... always fun if a bit unpredictable!
And now to the serious stuff...
Healing Reservoir
Recently I have had so little time to devote to anything creative. I just don't understand how I was once able to work full time and still get things done (although not much photography!). In theory I should have all the time in the world now my all-consuming job is a thing of the past. Not so it seems...
When I do carve out time for anything creative I feel happier and healthier... a very small amount of research into this topic completely supports this direct connection between creativity, health and happiness. The WHO defines health as "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being rather than merely the absence of disease or infirmity". The focus of the statement is interesting, the implication is on positive action rather than passive inaction. With this in mind my goal is now to track my time, log where it goes and remove distractions.
This month I have been lucky enough to hear Paul Kenny speak about his work and continued love of play and experimentation. His awareness of the threads traceable through his work is fascinating and a reminder that our history is just as important as our 'now'. If you aren't familiar with his work please do take a few moments to have a look, it will be time well spent.

Picking up on his enthusiasm and joy in everything he does, plus reflecting on how much better I feel when I allow myself time to explore in depth the work of other artists, I have created a new body of work. I have chosen to combine my love of working with limited source material while reflecting some of Paul Kennys' motifs such as strong lines and limited colour palette.
I started my project with a couple of scans from some discarded Acetate practice sheets and then started to play... here goes...
Starting with the scans... just simple shapes and colours...

As with other projects, just playing and seeing where the files take me until I start to build up enough to see a project emerge. The titles pick up on the theme of health and wellbeing and highlight how I feel when I know I am doing something that feeds my creative energy.
I am a huge fan of James Clear (and can highly recommend his book Atomic Habits). he has some interesting words to say about Art and how we should all create more than we consume... I would love to know what you think...
In our always-on, always-connected world of television, social media, and on–demand everything, it can be stupidly easy to spend your entire day consuming information and simply responding to all of the inputs that bombard your life.
Art offers an outlet and a release from all of that. Take a minute to ignore all of the incoming signals and create an outgoing one instead. Produce something. Express yourself in some way. As long as you contribute rather than consume, anything you do can be a work of art.
Open a blank document and start typing. Put pen to paper and sketch a drawing. Grab your camera and take a picture. Turn up the music and dance. Start a conversation and make it a good one.
Build something. Share something. Craft something. Make more art. Your health and happiness will improve and we'll all be better off for it.
White Project...
My project centred around the conscious use of White is proving to be difficult. I don't know whether I am struggling with the concept in its' entirety or whether I have made a poor source-file selection. Either is possible, both are probable. I have a couple of images which pick up on the white theme but more which are full of colour.
These are my favourites... none obviously fit the brief, quite the opposite! Not sure how I will take this forward... maybe I need to leave it for a while.
That's it...
That's everything for this blog. I hope you've reached this far and have found my ramblings interesting, maybe even useful. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think, I will always reply.
I am signing off now to continue the coat-wars. Given that it's just started drizzling I feel I might have the edge, not that I am competitive...
Stay safe and take care
L xx
Quick links to previous blogs...
Yet again, the days / weeks are spinning by… there are definite signs that we are nearing the end of summer, morning walks with my little Sparkle take us past bushes laden with ripe blackberries so we slow down to enjoy an early pre-breakfast most days; simple pleasures… Such a busy time here since I […]
The Drug of Creativity
Hi Everyone, Well yet again, it feels like an eternity since I last sat down at the computer to write a few words. My life has been turned upside down by my 4-legged friend. I honestly had no idea what to expect when this lively little puppy entered my home and it really has been […]
The Echo Chamber
Hi Everyone, It feels like an eternity since the last blog but it’s not too long, so much has happened! We finally have some decent weather here in the Chiltern Hills so it’s been nice to spend time outside without being freezing cold. A couple of days ago it was actually just a little too […]
Comments are closed.
Many thanks for sharing your thoughts Linda. I am always in wonder at the work you create. Your words are thought provoking and make me realise that I need to shrug off the creative shackles of competitive photograph and play more with images.
Best regards Ray
Hi Ray,
Thank you so much for leaving a comment and I am really pleased you enjoyed the blog. I really do think there are lots of advantages to competitive photography but if it gets in the way of messing around and playing with images then maybe it’s not all good. I am certain there is a balance but for me, fun is top of the list.
Take care and thanks again…
L xx