A Busy Month

Hi Everyone,

Since starting to write these blogs and taking up precious space in your inbox I have tried to focus each one onto a particular topic. This month however I have moved lots of things forward and have been as busy as ever but I haven’t actually finished anything!  Shame on me…  I did wonder if I should continue and send a note out or whether to wait but I thought I'd put together a bit of a summary as to what I have actually been doing, not that I feel guilty or anything!

In general, it has been a busy month… as the lock down restrictions start to lift in the UK I have taken advantage of the opportunity to meet up with a few friends when it's been safe to do so. I have close friends who live in Devon and they were kind enough to let me stay for a few days. It was so lovely to be able to see my very much missed friends again, the weather was good and we made the most of the opportunity for lovely walks and for eating al fresco. In some ways though it did make it very obvious how much the world has changed which was a little sad, trying not to focus on this too much though and concentrate on what is safe to do now and the wider fact that this will pass in time.

"The Splintered" Project

So, what have I been up to?  I have started a new project working on a single file and seeing what I can tease out of that file through multiple interpretations. I have decided to name the series "The Splintered" but each of the individual images are as yet untitled.  I will publish a blog on this project when I have completed the exercise as well as including the original image. Again, I am using an image which starts with a window and I have made a note to make sure that the next time I do this exercise I will select an image which is NOT a window, just to test myself! Anyway, here is a selection of images from this project so far…

I am quite excited about this project, I have tried to adopt a different style and to focus on a more subtle colour palette. I adore working with colour and my most recent panels have been a bit full-on which I love but it's easy to repeat the same approach without trying something different occasionally. A more subtle colour palette is definitely working for this series of images and I am excited about the results.

Prints on Metal and Wood

In a prior blog I mentioned that I had been invited to add some work onto the Singulart platform (see here for my Artists Page). I have some collections live on this platform now which took quite a bit of time. I took a decision to offer images in 2 different formats, one of which involves commercial printing. I am conscious that when buying a piece of art, the size of the piece is an important factor in the decision-making process. Some images work beautifully as small works but I am being constantly nudged by the gallery that I currently work with to produce bigger images. My current printer will print to a decent size but it's not one of the huge professional printers so size will always be limited if I print myself, looking at commercial printing was the only route forward if I wanted to offer bigger images. Once the decision to look at commercial printing was made I then started to look at the different surfaces on which to print and have had a couple of test prints made onto different materials.

These two images were printed onto High Definition Metal which is a surface I absolutely love. I had the images printed quite small as they really were test prints but I now have my files prepared for much larger prints. There is no additional texture as there is with Aluminium which may be a plus or a minus, for me personally, I love the finish of the HD Metal, it's so smooth.  The real advantage of this surface is that these pieces can be hung both outdoors as well as inside. I am about to press the button and have an image printed 1m square which I plan to hang in my courtyard garden and see how it fares, very exciting indeed…


This image is printed onto wood. This is something I have tried in the past and it doesn't suit every image. The wooden panels add an additional dimension and it's not always easy to decide whether that dimension should present vertically or horizontally. This is an image from the Tuscany series and is now with my local gallery so fingers crossed it's not there for long. I am not sure that this presentation would work as well for my more recent works but I think it definitely suits this range of images. I would love to hear what you think…

Whispering at the end…

I am putting this in at the end and if you imagine that I am whispering this or using a really small font in a light grey type, that describes how I feel about it. I have purchased some oil paints!!!  There it is… I've said it! Those who have known me for a while will be rolling their eyes now as they know how many projects I have on the go at any point in time so adding another into the mix is probably not overly sensible. Hey ho…   One of the things that I am however passionate about is using Photography as a starting point for other projects. I have used some of my images as source files for Tapestries which now hang on my walls at home (I currently have another partially completed) and for me this is incredibly satisfying as it gives an image a life it might not have had otherwise. For me this is using my photographs as part of a wider creative process and I think that's important. I plan to do the same with these oil paints and to see if I can use one of my photographic image as a reference for a painting. Who knows how I will get on, I know enough about the process to know that there is loads to learn as a beginner but I am in no rush…  If you never hear about this again, you know how it went!


Well done if you got this far, If you did please post 'Butterfly' in the blog comment (just kidding, you really don't have to!!).

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this blog and wishing you all the best in these uncertain times.

L  xx


  • Butterfly! Love the three ‘Splintered’ images, and look forward to seeing the rest.

    • Haha, thanks for the butterfly!! I was conscious that the post was a bit longer than usual… Glad you like the images, I am quite excited about the project so fingers crossed… take care… L xx

  • I’m always happy to see a new blog from you! You give my creative soul a “kick in the pants”! Good luck in your new endeavors! Looking forward to what comes next.

    • Thank you so much for your lovely comment… I certainly get creative inspiration from so many others so it’s nice to hear that I can add something into the mix too… take care… L xx

  • Ha ha ! Butterfly ! I love how crazy your projects are … I was beginning to think it was just me frantically watching overlapping zoom meetings- Eco printing, bookbinding and of course the dreaded LR & PS. I love your work & always look forward to seeing your posts & blog x

    • Thanks for the butterfly Jane – a bit cheeky but also a bit of a laugh 🙂 Thanks for your lovely comments… I might start loads of stuff but I never feel as if I finish much, I guess it’s all part of a journey as they say!! xx

  • I too not only made it to the end but had my creativity stoked. Thank you!

    • Thanks lovely Sharon, so glad to have spread a little inspiration 🙂 Take care… L xx

  • ? always love reading your blog, Linda. As it happens just had my second 121 With Valda and she introduced me to the single image project.
    She sent me your May blog because I mentioned I loved architecture and would look at windows!
    Loved the idea of HD metal prints. Two of my Tuscany prints are on aluminum … will look in to HD!
    Thanks for all the wonderful ideas!
    Good luck with painting?

    • Hi Edie, How lovely to hear from you… and thank you for your lovely comments… I think you are going to love the single image project, I learned so much from that course and this approach is definitely a highlight. It feels counter-intuitive to box yourself into a corner and work a single image over and over but I now find that the images that I produce towards the end of the exercise I prefer to those at the beginning, I think it’s because I have exhausted all the obvious options at that point so I try different things. It’s so kind of Valda to forward the May blog…
      And yes, the Metal prints are a complete revelation, the fact that they can hang outside is a bit of a game-changer for me, I had never thought of hanging anything outside but I am really excited to give it a try.
      And yes again, I have chosen one of the images from the May Blog as my first ‘subject’ and have just had a lovely evening painting away… I have so much to learn though… might sell the TV as don’t think it’s going to get a look in from now on 🙂
      Take care and looking forward to seeing your project on the BC website when it’s finished.

      L xx

  • Interesting stuff for a butterfly. The pastels in the splintered images are really appealing Linda as you say it’s nice to do something different and probably good for your brain. Pastels add a delicacy to the work and a softness that’s I appreciate. They remind me of all those lollies I shouldn’t eat As the colours are usually soft and full of sugar. Good to see you have many things on the go there’s no reason not to. My father was and my sister occasional uses oils and the smells and the texture are quite gorgeous. We have a second wave of virus looming here but it has been nice to have the occasional outing…it gives so much time to tackle new things and be immersed in art. Cheers

    • Hi Ann, Thank you for the butterfly 🙂
      And yes, I am loving the challenge of trying a more subtle approach to colour… your memory of lollies is a delight… I know the sort you mean…
      I really wonder why I am trying oils but I really do believe that a photograph can be the end point but also the starting point for something else. I have always fancied having a go but have never had the time, no excuses now!
      And stay safe – we have a second wave looming here too so we need to take our opportunities when we can…

  • Belated butterfly – 🙂
    Wonderful images as ever and I have really enjoyed looking at your Saingulart page. I will spend more time there a bit later. I hope it does well for you.
    I do cite your work frequently as the way you have taken the single image idea and made it your own is enormously inspriational.
    Good luck with oil paints – I have no doubt you will make magic with them

    • And thank you for the butterfly 🙂
      Yes, I was a bit surprised when Singulart got in touch, it was completely out of the blue and I did actually think it was a scam at first!! Who knows whether that will bear any fruit… time will tell.
      And thank you for the original idea for the single image – for me it’s been a game changer and I can’t thank you enough – it’s given me a structure around what I do that I didn’t;t realise I didn’t;t have but now would struggle to do without so thank you…
      And yes again, we will see with the oils…!

  • And a “Butterfly” from me too. Love the sound of the prints on metal. The idea of hanging one in your courtyard sounds fabulous.

    • Haha, thank you for the butterfly 🙂
      And yes, the idea of hanging anything outside has never occurred to me – keen to see how it looks

  • Thank you for another interesting post. I continue to salivate at the amount of work you get through! Love your use of colour – especially when it is bold.
    Took a look at your work on Singulart. It looks spectacular. I would be really interested in hearing from you (blog post please) about how you are finding the platform.
    Best wishes for working with the oil paints. I am currently learning (baby steps) digital painting with Procreate on the iPad and Krita on my desktop. Have been wanting to ‘add’ some touches to my photographs.
    Thanks again for inspiring blog posts and intriguing images. Hope to meet up with you one day (maybe on a Bailey Chinnery junket – I was in the inaugural Creative Growth workshop in Tuscany in April 2019 and will be in the (slightly delayed) Japan junket October 2021 (God and Covid willing).

    • Hi Janet, lovely to hear your comments and thank you so much for taking the time to write, it does make a difference.
      As for Singulart, very early days but I am quite excited about getting to know them better, so far they are very professional and very well organised. I have my first artists webinar with them this week where they cover things like marketing, packaging etc so looking forward to that.
      Interested to hear about your journey with digital painting – i think it sounds fascinating! I saw a program on TV a while ago now about David Hockney and how he uses his iPad to create art using a painting program (might be the same one) and they had some video of the process he goes through to build up a picture using the digital paint brushes etc – it certainly was interesting enough for me to have remembered it – it might even still be on YouTube somewhere. So…if it’s good enough for David Hockney 🙂 (no pressure!)
      And yes, I am sure our paths will cross at some point. I am on the Spring Japan trip which will hopefully go ahead, other trips are in the process of being rearranged given the current climate so maybe Tuscany will be a possibility – everything is being crowded into next year as things are all being pushed back. I am getting used to hoping for the best but expecting the worst – easier that way.
      Anyway, would love to see some of your digital art at some point – send me some links if it’s anywhere in the web.
      Thanks again and take care
      L xx

  • Belated butterfly. I find your Splintered images inspiring and lovely. just finished the Creative Growth online course with Doug and Valda and it was one of my favorite homeworks. I think
    what you’ve done with the three versions here are quite special. Very much enjoy your blog. You will no doubt create something beautiful with your oils.

    • Hi Jennifer, Thank you so much for your kind comments… I am so pleased you have enjoyed the course – they have put together something which I think is incredible inspiring and it has certainly changed the way that I work moving forward. And yes, enjoying playing with the oils, who knows where that will take me… all good fun though…
      Take care and enjoy exploring 🙂
      L xx

  • Oh WOW Linda!! Having not seen your images for a few years, since you left our postal group, I am really bowled over by these – true art indeed! So I am delighted you are back with us and can’t wait to see your prints!
    Colin x

    • Hi Colin,
      So pleased that you’ve had a look around and yes, all a bit different now. Having had such a long break in my photo-journey I wanted to do something different when I picked up a camera again. Amazing how much difference having a bit of time makes too… And yes, looking forward to getting involved in the circle again…
      Take care and thank again…
      L xx

  • Hi Linda,

    Which printing company are you using for the metal prints. Such a brilliant idea to hang outside. Can’t wait to give it a go. xx

    • Hi Karen,
      I am so pleased with my metal print, it’s been outside for a few months and still looks as good as it did the day that I hung it up… still slightly surprised that it’s still there and hasn’t just fallen off!!
      I used a company called HelloCanvas – they print on quite a few different surfaces but I have only tried the HD Metal. They have quite a few offers on the go most of the time but once you’ve ordered from them once you can ring them up and get a discount code as a previous customer…
      Let me know how you get on…
      Take Care
      L xx

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